Why Cancelling Part of My Trip Was the Best Thing For Me
Here goes… The post that I’ve been absolutely dreading writing, but its something that I need to do. It’s a long one and I would really appreciate it if you…
Here goes… The post that I’ve been absolutely dreading writing, but its something that I need to do. It’s a long one and I would really appreciate it if you…
You might run out of money… Seasoned travelers will tell you that the preparation for your first solo trip is much more important than for any subsequent trip. Having…
I’m always looking for inspiration (especially when I’m not on the road!). I google “travel quotes” ALL of the time. Whether its for an Instagram caption or just because I…
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. If there is anything I have learned in my months of living and working abroad it’s that a life of traveling is…
Certain movies leave a lasting impression on you. They make you want to visit the places you see on your television or in the movie theater. You can be immediately…
1. Get up and go. The worst thing you can is sit around and wait for your next adventure to fall in your lap. Make it happen. 2. Work as…